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Prices at the pump in Venezuela

Prices at the pump in Venezuela are the cheapest in the world, even as costs for everyday items and luxuries are surging — a dinner for two at a nice restaurant might demand more than a month’s worth of minimum wage. Discounts can be great for consumers, but also could portend deeper problems within the economy. Singapore, for which survey data is newly available this year, will debut at second-best.While Venezuela and Argentina are tackling inflation, rounding out the top five unhappiest economies in 2016 are those desperately trying to stop unemployment from deepening: South Africa, Greece and Ukraine.With no end in sight for Venezuela’s economic woes — estimates in Bloomberg surveys predict consumer price growth of 152 per cent and joblessness averaging 7. Figures for 2015 inflation and unemployment data reflect the average over the year and use the most current data available for each country.At annual inflation of 98.Elsewhere in the world, the picture isn’t quite as bleak.There were success stories last year, perfume pump Factory with Poland ranking number 42 on the scale, versus a number 19 spot initially projected at the start of 2015, in part due to lower-than-expected joblessness. Falling revenue is further weighing on budget strains, as Venezuela owes as much as $10 billion in foreign bond payments this year. After contracting by 3..In Argentina, authorities are in the midst of overhauling the national statistics agency and have stopped reporting some economic indicators until that's done, after being accused for years of releasing dodgy data.3%, Venezuela is the worst, India doesn’t figure in the index Thanks to off-the-charts inflation, Venezuela will probably retain the dubious honour of being the most miserable economy for the second year. Swit zerland, Taiwan and Japan will keep top-five status from 2015. Galloping inflation at an annual average of 98.3 per cent annual growth in 2017.7 per cent in 2015, on the back of sinking oil prices and inflation-dampened consumer spending, economists expect a gradual "L-shaped" recovery for Russia, with the world’s largest energy exporter seen returning to 1.President Nicolas Maduro, who has declared an "economic emergency," told lawmakers last month that it was time to raise gasoline prices and that he'd look at adjusting fixed currency rates.The ranking of 63 economies is compiled by adding a country’s jobless rate and inflation, a long-standing calculation in which a higher score indicates more misery.7 per cent — economists polled for the 2016 index see it remaining the unhappiest country.8 per cent unemployment earned the South American country the runaway top spot on the 2015 misery index.7 tally for the 2016 misery index done by Bloomberg quadruples the next-worst ranking Argentina.Economists are looking for signs of improvement in Russia, Romania, and Ireland — each of which will achieve a more favourable position this year, according to the survey.Meanwhile, Maduro’s new economy minister has said that price growth doesn’t exist in "real life," blaming speculation, usury and hoarding among the business class. Switzerland, for its part, is still trying to maintain curre ncy stability since dropping its currency cap a year ago. Thailand, in part due to un i que structural issues that allow more people to count as employed, will stay as least miserable.Switzerland’s case is cautionary for fans of the misery index: While the Swiss are slated to enjoy continued low joblessness, economists see falling consumer prices this year.Venezuela will probably retain the dubious honour of being the most miserable economy for the second year.The world’s happiest eco n omies this year will look si m ilar to last year’s rankings.Misery index calculations were compiled using the median estimates in Bloomberg economic surveys from the past three months. Venezuela's 159.But 2016 might see Poland climb the misery index amid an increasingly uncertain fiscal and economic outlook (including a possible debt downgrade) caused by the new ruling party’s costly campaign promises.The global slump in crude prices has been especially destructive in Venezuela, where oil makes up 95 per cent of exports.

The government’s calculation

"Our economy cannot tolerate such support," he said.83), while diesel jumped from 8.50 pounds ($2.Bilal said a probe was being conducted especially into what happened on Friday when "some innocent people" were shot dead.Journalists have complained of worsening censorship since the protests began. The information minister said that even though fuel subsidies have been cut, financial support will remain on wheat and medicine.Sudan lost billions of dollars in oil receipts when South Sudan gained independence in 2011, taking with it about 75 percent of the formerly united country’s crude production.Gizouli, the analyst, dismissed the government’s portrayal of the other protesters as "vandals"."People have accepted price increases before without much annoyance.Sudan’s most popular newspaper, which has been an outspoken critic of the decision to cut subsidies, said it had been ordered to stop publishing. "We have to carry on.80 Sudanese pounds ($4.

There was no confirmation of fresh protests on Sunday but an AFP correspondent in Khartoum’s twin city Omdurman said riot police and security forces were on the streets in large numbers.Hardline Islamic religious leaders called on the government to reverse the fuel price increase..Sudan vowed Sunday to stand firm on its decision to hike fuel prices, despite days of deadly protests and criticism from within the ruling party and from hardline Islamic leaders. We know it is a bit heavy for the people."No, it is not possible at all.Residents say they have been struggling with rising prices for 2 years.Activists and international human rights groups say at least 50 people were gunned down, most of them in the greater Khartoum area.He added that compensatory measures aim to ease the burden as fuel prices rise.Officials in the Khartoum area on Sunday extended a school closure, in effect since the protests began, until October 20, official media said.90 pounds.Al-Intibaha is run by Bashir’s uncle, Al-Tayeb Mustafa, who told AFP that state security agents gave no reason for the suspension. If you shoot enough, they will be scared and go back home," he said. But I think it’s the overall bleak picture of the economy, and of the country’s mismanagement," said Magdi El Gizouli, a fellow at the Rift Valley Institute."The government’s calculation is.The country falls near the bottom of a United Nations human development index measuring income, health and education.Classes had been expected to resume on Monday. "They attacked the gas stations.Fuel prices had already almost doubled last year after a partial lifting of subsidies.In their letter to Bashir, the ruling party reformers sought an independent investigation into the shooting of civilians."Bilal said the government knew "riots" would occur if the cost of fuel went up but the reduction of subsidies would save billions of dollars.71) a gallon from 12.Information minister Ahmed Bilal Osman told AFP there was no going back on the fuel price hikes."Arab-spring style calls for the regime’s downfall began after pump prices rose last Monday to 20.In a statement late Saturday they advised the regime "to turn back to God and provide justice".

This is the only way out," he said in lotion pump Manufacturers a telephone interview. Yet, until last week when thousands began protesting mainly in the capital, the poor had largely failed to take to the streets. About 700,000 poor families receive handouts of about 150 pounds a month along with medical insurance, he said.Authorities say 33 people have died since the near-doubling of petrol and diesel prices last Monday sparked the worst protests in the history of President Omar al-Bashir’s regime.It also ranked among the lowest of 176 countries in Transparency International’s index of perceived public sector corruption last year...Since then the north has been plagued by inflation, a weakened currency and a severe shortage of dollars to pay for imports."This is not (a) demonstration," he said.Reformers in Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party on Saturday told Bashir that the deadly crackdown was a betrayal of his regime’s Islamic foundations.Bilal said authorities had to intervene when crowds turned violent.50 pounds a gallon to 13. They burned about 21.

The latest bloom coincided

This year’s Gulf Coast Florida bloom is the worst in more than a decade, originating last October and persisting well into the summer tourist season while spreading over 150 miles of coastline spanning seven counties.Red tides occur on an almost yearly basis off Florida, starting out in the Gulf of Mexico where swarms of microscopic algae cells called Karenia brevis feed on deep-sea nutrients and trigger sprayer Manufacturers are sometimes carried by currents close to shore, usually in the fall. The toxins are often fatal to marine life."

It’s a bad bloom by any standard," said Richard Stumpf, an oceanographer who studies red tides for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).Michael Crosby, president and chief executive of the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, welcomed a red tide emergency order issued this week by Governor Rick Scott, designating more state money for research, cleanup and wildlife rescues.But scientists say red tides in and of themselves are a natural phenomenon observed as far back as the 1600s.For reasons not well understood, strong northerly winds that normally break up a red tide by December failed to materialize last winter, Stumpf said.For humans, exposure can cause respiratory difficulties, burning eyes and skin irritation.Interest in mitigation technologies has been heightened by a 10-month-long toxic algae bloom off Florida’s southwestern coast that has caused mounds of rotting fish to wash up on beaches from Tampa to Naples.The red tide also has been implicated in at least 266 sea turtle strandings and is suspected or determined to have caused 68 manatee deaths so far this year, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission figures.Scientists in Florida are on the cusp of developing promising methods to control toxic algae blooms like the "red tide" that has been killing marine life along a 150 mile (240km) stretch of the Gulf Coast, the head of a leading marine lab said on Wednesday.Scientists also are studying the possible use of naturally produced compounds from seaweed, parasitic algae and filter-feeding organisms that could be introduced to fight red tides.

The latest bloom coincided with the spawning season for snook, an ecologically important and popular game fish in Florida, Crosby said.Experiments carried out in huge 25,000-gallon tanks succeeded in removing all traces of the algae and its toxins, with the water chemistry reverting to normal within 24 hours, he said.(Source). A portion of emergency funding ordered by the governor is earmarked for assessing impacts on that fish.In hopes of combating future outbreaks, scientists are field testing a patented process that would pump red-algae-tainted seawater into an ozone-treatment system and then pump the purified water back into the affected canal, cove or inlet, Crosby said.It remains to be seen whether a single year of altered wind patterns will turn out to be an isolated deviation or part of more long-term changes in climate, Stumpf said.

This unique concept will commence

This unique concept will commence from today under the slogan No Rule, No Fuel.It is pertinent to mention here that Lucknow has been witness to heavy traffic snarls and road accidents continue to be the single-largest cause of deaths in the city.To ensure the implementation of the idea, according to reports, a senior police official had helped set up a meeting with pump owners.

If customers are not wearing helmets we are refusing them services," said a worker at the petrol pump in Lucknow.Lucknow: In China lotion pump Manufacturers an endeavour to ensure safety and discourage bikers riding without helmets, the Lucknow Police has taken a unique step to not allow anyone to refill their vehicles if caught without the protective head gear."We welcome this decision, we were informed to make people aware that refilling will not be allowed if they are not wearing helmet."This is a very good decision, this step should have been taken by the government much earlier," said a local.The state government had, however, asked all petrol pumps to report vehicle numbers to transport authorities whenever they found a two-wheeler rider without a helmet.Lucknow Police is also planning to start a campaign to ensure seatbelts for a safe driving experience, along with compulsory use of helmets.This drive would go on for a week, after which the police will start issuing challans.